Mysterious figure ‘spotted’The Doha Corniche is a waterfront promenade similar to Chicago's Navy Pier. There's more background on the area and creature at Loren Coleman's Cryptomundo blog.
A mysterious figure resembling a human being was sighted on the Doha Corniche’s parking lot, according to a report published in a local Arabic daily.
The report is based on the statement of an Arab expatriate lady who said she had seen the strange figure near the Oryx statue while walking in the area.
Quoting the woman, the daily said she took a picture of it in spite of being terribly frightened.
“She was very soon surrounded by a large number of people who also attested to the fact of what she had seen . But it suddenly disappeared out of their sight when they tried to go near it,” the report added.
But the picture in question? It's this:

With all the technology out there, all the image editing programs and 3D modeling software, all the advances in latex creature SFX, this is the best they could come up with? A rubber toy propped up against a rock?
You're letting me down, people.
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