Holy schnikes! Cinematic Titanic is on Hulu!
For those that don't know, Cinematic Titanic is the current riffing project of Mystery Science Theater 3000 luminaries Joel Hodgson, Frank Conniff, Trace Belieu, Mary Jo Pehl, and Josh Weinstein. CT has only a handful of releases (especially compared to its half-brother, RiffTrax) but it's definitely a case of quality over quantity.
All of the team's earlier efforts are viewable. I think the live offerings are the best, as the audience sparks some spontaneity that is missing from the taped sessions. However, The Wasp Woman is one of my favorites and the episode I'm sharing here today.
And hey! After you're done with Cinematic Titanic, you can check out the Hulu channels for MST3K and RiffTrax. We do live in an age of wonders!
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