Monday, August 10, 2009 It's a Problem With the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Obviously

While going through some bookmarks, I came across one for a story I meant to post a couple of months back and just plain forgot about.

Dr. Steven C. Schlozman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, gave a lecture this summer on the neuroscience of zombies. That's right, a Harvard psychiatrist explained how a flesh-eating ghoul's brain would function. I'm hoping that the entire lecture will see print at some point, but covers the highlights in the meantime. Better still, if you're unemployed like me and have 40 minutes to waste, you can watch the actual lecture itself, courtesy of the Boston Phoenix:

Now all we need is for a doctor to explain the whole "reanimation of dead tissue after you get bit" thing, and we're ready to flood the world with our zombie hordes battle the undead menace on a scientific as well as physical basis.