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- On a whim, I checked my StatCounter account and found that two metric buttloads of hits came from people looking for pictures of Catherine Zeta Jones' ass. Apparently, the image I hotlinked to in my post about a gang of international jewel thieves was from a nude celebrity site, and Google image search was somehow directing people here, where they were no doubt vastly disappointed. I've changed the hotlink to a different source, which would eliminate the problem if I hadn't just typed "nude", "celebrity", and "Catherine Zeta Jones' ass" above.
- Mmm... hot links! My buddy Garz is a huge fan of Smokin M's, a little BBQ joint a few blocks from the Sanctum, so much so that he has a picture of their mascot (whom Garz has dubbed the Evil Pig) as the background on his phone. However, the image is a not-very-good snapshot he took of the restaurant's front window with his phone's camera. Because I am helpful, friendly, and courteous (if not cheerful and reverent), I've located a better quality replacement for him and cleaned it up to the best of my ability. I yoinked it from a Chicago food forum, where one of the friendly folks had this to say to an employee of Smokin M's who posted to the thread:
"Let's hope that bulk mail center keeps you in a steady flow of peeps that can't tell good BBQ from the undercooked/overcooked pork covered in non tasty sauce you serve. Thank Famous Liquors for the flow because that's where most get their lunch before getting your dinners."
Man, some people will never miss an opportunity to be an asshole, will they?

- From the Onion via is a story about the latest attempt to cash in on the Twilight phenom. I hesitated on posting this for a while, because although my friends and I enjoy ragging on Twilight, a lot of them read this blog from the office and this particular item is Not Safe for Work. It is however, both creepy and hilarious.

- JG Thirwell's The Venture Bros. soundtrack is Kicking. My. Ass. One of the benefits of living alone is that there's no one to bludgeon me for playing "Fumblestealth" over and over again at high volume.
- I've finally finished switching out all the weak and flimsy ImageShack links on the site with hearty, broad-hipped Photobucket replacements. And cripes, what a pain it was. Still, that should take care of my image hosting problems, so please let me know if any still fail to load.
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