Saturday, October 31, 2009 Halloween Treats: Black Sabbath

One last post tonight before I'm off to a friend's party. I still have to do some finishing touches on my costume - the third one I'm wearing this season - before I go.

Black Sabbath is a classic 1963 horror film helmed by famed director Mario Bava and hosted by the legendary Boris Karloff. It's comprised of three tales; "The Telephone", a proto-giallo featuring a stalker terrorizing a call girl, "The Drop of Water", a creepy little ghost story, and "The Wurdalak", about a vampire plaguing a family in old Russia. All three are spooky and atmospheric, great viewing for a windy October night. And yes, it is where Ozzy and friends got the name from.

The copy I've linked to is the version released by American International in the US. It's dubbed for all of you subtitle haters out there, and the sequence of stories is different from the original Italian version. It's hosted on Hulu, so watch while you still can for free.

But first, a cartoon before the main feature!