Thursday, September 17, 2009 What Lurks in the Blue Hill?

Probably just a sloth. From Panama's Channel 13 via Loren Coleman's Cryptomundo blog:
Hallan criatura extraña en Cerro Azul

Por : Denise Lara
Martes 15 de septiembre de 2009

El hallazgo de una extraña criatura en Cerro Azul ha despertado polémica entre la población, pues mientras algunos aseguran que puede tratarse de un ser de otro planeta, otros creen simplemente que es un animal.

Cuatro adolescentes de entre 14 y 16 años, se encontraron con él en el Chorro de Cerro Azul, el pasado sábado, mientras se divertían en el lugar.

Según relató uno de ellos, de pronto vieron que la criatura salía de una cueva ubicada detrás del chorro de agua. Al ver su apariencia y que ésta comenzó a escalar sobre las piedras hacia uno de ellos, se asustaron y comenzaron a apedrearlo y tirarle palos, logrando matarlo, luego de lo cual lo tiraron al agua y salieron huyendo.

Behold the power of Google language tools!
Strange creature found in Cerro Azul

By Denise Lara
Tuesday September 15, 2009

The discovery of a strange creature in Cerro Azul has aroused controversy among the people, for while some say it may be a being from another planet, others simply believe that is an animal.

Four teenagers aged between 14 and 16 years, met him at the Jet Blue Hill, on Saturday, while having fun in the place.

As recounted one of them, they suddenly saw the creature emerging from a cave located behind the water jet. At her appearance and it began to climb over the rocks to one of them panicked and began to thrash him and throw sticks, getting killed, after which they threw into the water and ran.

Now, I would have beat cheeks immediately upon seeing such a creature. But I would not have tried to kill it. First of all, it may have been a friendly monster, like E.T. or Gamera or the Blob after he's had a few and starts missing his ex-wife. Second, it may have been only a baby critter, and killing it would piss the hell out of its much larger and much more ferocious momma. And third but most important, you can't be certain that the creature's fatal weakness is rocks hurled by teenage boys. While your buddies are experimenting, you're missing out on valuable escape time. Hey, someone has to warn the village!

I swear I've seen my brother in the exact same position the night after a party.