While my love of audio drama was shaped by the CBS Radio Mystery Theater, I believe it was first kindled by Power Records. Geeks of a certain age will fondly recall these book-and-record sets that adapted various comic books into "read-along" audio plays. My brother and I only had two of the sets, Curse of the Werewolf and The Fantastic Four, but we played them over and over until the 45's were scratchy, skippy wrecks. We would later receive LP compilations of various titles as birthday and Christmas presents, but it wasn't quite as cool without the comics.
Tonight, I'm sharing both the comic and audio for the four "Monster Series" titles from Power Records. These were all adapted from various Marvel comics - Man-Thing, Tomb of Dracula, The Monster of Frankenstein, and my favorite, Werewolf By Night. Curse of the Werewolf was a gateway drug for me, as once I learned of the connection to WBN I spent years hunting down issues until I finally had a complete collection. And I am not exaggerating about how much we played that record. My brother and I can still recite every skip by heart - "I ran - I ruh - I ran - I ruh - under the light of the bright full moon!"
The comics are in CBR format; you will need a viewer application like CDisplay, or you can rename the files to .RAR extensions and unzip the jpg images. These are not my rips or scans, and I appreciate the work put into their creation.
By the way, I am still trying to track down either MP3's or the original vinyl of the Wonderland Records versions of The Time Machine, War of the Worlds, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Invisible Man, and - most especially - Godzilla, King of the Monsters. I owned all of these as a kid and would love to revisit them.
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