F is for Flight of the Living Dead
USA, 2007
The Zombies: Snyder Sprinters.
The Source: Engineered virus.
The Result: A good old-fashioned monster romp.

Homeland Security has gotten really invasive.
A burgeoning biomedical corporation produces a "virus" that allows soldiers to keep on fighting after they've been mortally wounded, then compounds this error by transporting the test subject as luggage on board a transatlantic flight. As expected, the excrement makes physical contact with the electrical oscillating air current distribution device.
Flight of the Living Dead is surprisingly light in tone for a movie about reanimated corpses devouring people. The filmmakers seem to have been aiming for a Tremors / Deep Impact old school monster movie vibe, and while Flight doesn't quite succeed like those other films it's still an entertaining ride. The actors look like they're having fun (especially Kevin J. O'Connor, the 21st Century's answer to Peter Lorre), the zombies scoot about with prop limbs hanging from their mouths like rubber chew toys, and there's more than a few clever gags scattered here and there.
Younger viewers probably won't pick up on how Flight is structured like Airport and other 70's disaster flicks. Nearly the first third of the film is spent setting up the personal dramas of the myriad characters before catastrophe strikes and forces them to ignore all that and get busy living! Or, you know, get eaten.

Flight of the Living Dead is not bleak, it's not nihilistic, and it doesn't dwell on pain and suffering like almost all of the "horror" flicks clogging up your nearby RedBox. For that alone it's worth a rental.

3 Ghouls
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie as well. I think going in with low expectations helps. The production quality and makeup effects were quite a bit better than I expected and there's a definite sense of fun - which sounds odd to say about a movie where people get eaten.
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