I'm sure more events will pop up in the coming weeks, but here's what has come across my monitor screen so far:
Theater-Hikes is a group that stages theatrical performances in an outdoor setting, with the audience moving from location to location for each change in scene. On their schedule this fall is a production of Night of the Living Dead, with regular weekend performances at the Morton Arboretum (Saturdays and Sundays through October 30) and a couple of one-off shows at other locations around town. It seems like it could be fun, but I wouldn't go for the same reason I avoid zombie walks - the last thing I need is an assault charge resulting from some over-exuberant actor triggering my Post-Zombie Stress Disorder.
It's also the reason why I will not be attending zomBcon in Seattle (October 21-23). That and I doubt I can summon up enough interest in zombies to last three straight days (evidence of this blog to the contrary). There are some interesting guests, but I'd prefer a more general horror con like Chiller Theatre. Looks like they've got Hammer babes this year. Hmm....
Finally, some of the Wall Street protestors were dressed up as zombies today, which probably isn't going to help the cause much.
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